We are very excited to be running our 3rd Program right here in the beautiful mountains of Montana in Georgetown Lake. Our Eagle Regeneration Program is a 5-day systematic approach to healing using holistic methods to promote change in thought process and self-care. The participants are active duty and veteran Special Operations members that have suffered mental, moral and physical injuries sustained in training and combat while serving in the U.S. military.
Each morning begins with a breathe, move, meditate practice to promote activation of the parasympathetic nervous system. Throughout the week the Eagles are educated on Operator Syndrome, the autonomic nervous system, how to change thought patterns and their inner pharmacy which is what we can do as individuals to help ourselves in our healing journey. During the program this education is accompanied by recreational therapy, and outdoor activities to distract the mind to promote healing. Each evening is concluded by introducing different practices to deregulate the sympathetic nervous before sleep.
Wednesday Feb 15, 2023 Tuesday Feb 21, 2023
February 15 - February 21, 2023
Georgetown Lake