New Chamber Members

2320 W. Main St. - Ste. 1
Bozeman, MT 59718
(406) 582-5710
Monday - Saturday 10 - 6 PM and Sunday 12 - 5:00 PM
  • About

    Bozeman's premier upscale resale boutique offering both men's and women's fashion and accessories curated by our highly selective staff of experts. With a nearly 20 year history in Bozeman and a loyal consignment base from Montana and beyond, you'll find that our inventory is unparalleled in the resale world. From vintage items and trending denim to evening wear and business casual, you'll find it all at ReCouture. Preventing fashion waste since 2008, Recouture Boutique, W. Main in Bozeman.

  • Whom to Contact

    • Elyn Messner
  • Directions

    Located just west of 19th on Main street.

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